Have you ever felt like a pawn on a chessboard?

I have. It is not fun.

When confrontations escalate and everyone seems to be obsessed with “being right”, many appear only to be in “to win”, some try to “compromise” and others hide or disengage with the excuse that they “prefer harmony”, the real issue on the table tends to disappear.

Nobody seems to remember, or care, why exactly they were having the discussion in the first place; there is of course almost always a business reason why many convene to discuss something, and the reason is most probably because we need each other, we are complementary.

But in the heat of the moment, we forget complementarity, and we actually seem to forget all our curiosity or interest to really learn from different perspectives.

Later, in hindsight, we may regret or wonder why we reacted so instinctively.

But then the classical justification comes to mind: “I had no choice, everybody was attacking and I just had to defend myself”.

You know as well as I do that this is not really true.

This “I had no choice” excuse is obviously a self-deception; we tell ourselves a soothing lie, and we pretend to believe it. Of course, the hard-to-face truth is different.

We do always have a choice.

We may truly “feel” like pawns on a chessboard, but we do have it in our hand to change the rules of the game, actually to change the entire game.

Do you want to know how?

Find out by registering to the upcoming webinar:

The 3 Biases That Sabotage Every Leader’s Ability To Impact And Influence In Critical Conversations: BEATING THE FEAR OF CONFRONTATIONS WEBINAR (pdf)

LIVE on September 4, 2017 at 4:00 pm (60 minutes + Q&A)


LIVE on September 5, 2017 at 9:00 am (60 min + Q&A)

(all timings given in CET – Central European Time)

ALTERNATIVELY, if you are interested, but cannot make it on these dates, do get in contact with us to receive more information about the next webinar dates PLEASE SEND MORE INFO

SEPTEMBER 4 and SEPTEMBER 5 WEBINAR: To reserve one of the limited slots and to receive the presentation material that you will be able to download and consult offline, please book by clicking this RESERVE (PayPal) button. Please notice that we are asking for a nominal participation and tuition fee of 4 € , to help you remember and feel accountable, and as a token of appreciation for our work.


(Note: once you have reserved, you are free to choose the time slot that you prefer, you may even decide to attend twice, it is up to you; also please note that, although you will receive the presentation material afterwards, if you do not attend LIVE you will miss an important opportunity to qualify for a very valuable price … a scholarship!) 

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