Driving social change through business

Fernanda Lopes-Larsen mesmerised us with her wisdom, humanity, passion and great storytelling. She shared with us her career story and her passion to create a more inclusive working place; in her own words “My purpose as a leader is to bring openness to corporations and drive social change through business, in particular for ethnic women and men. The leadership narrative in organisations needs to change!” A magnificent example of successful, authentic, and inspired leadership, a mum and an international career woman, Fernanda is relentless in her determination and an amazing example of contagious enthusiasm.  She is EVP of Yara’s Africa & Asia operations (annual revenue of USD 3 billion) and serves as a key sponsor for the company’s Women in Agronomy program, which encourages female and ethnic minority talents at Yara and across the global agricultural sector. Originally from Brazil, she is currently based in Singapore.

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